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User stories for B2C Products: Worked-Out examples with acceptance criteria

Onkar Singh Lohtham
Founder & CPO | Lead Trainer | Digital Skills Mastery
Published: 23 February, 2024

1. The four components of a user story

Before I show real-life worked-out examples of user stories for different B2C digital products, let me share with you the 4 components of user story.

4 components of user story:

1) Identifier or ID

2) Title

3) Description

As a <>

I want to <>

So that <>

4) Acceptance Criteria

Given <>

When <>

Then <>

2. Template of a user story

Template of a user story

For more information on what is a user story, the Agile terminologies used in writing a user story, when do you write it, how do you write a user story, why do you write a user story, What is an Epic, what are the four components of a user story, what is the INVEST principle for writing a user story – you can refer to this article on What is a user story in Agile?

For your practice apply the above user story template and try the work on the below examples by yourself and then cross-check with the detailed user stories given below. You will be able to see areas that you covered as compared to those mentioned in the worked-out user stories below.

3. User story best practices

1) All user stories need to have these 4 components especially the acceptance criteria

2) You can also add a flowchart or simple wireframe to provide the visual aid to your user stories.

3) All the business rules and user behaviour need to be captured in the Acceptance criteria

4) If your Acceptance criteria have multiple items, then make a summary list at the start, so that the development team understands the scope of work easily

Let us dive into the first example.

4. Example#1: Pagination on a Jobsite page (www.totaljobs.com)

Scenario: On a Jobsite, a jobseeker performs a search, based on which a list of matching jobs are listed on the search results page. This Jobsite has implemented pagination as a mechanism to list 20 numbers of results on the 1st page and the rest of the results on consecutive pages.

Question: How do you write a user story for a pagination feature?

User story and acceptance criteria for pagination feature: Example of totaljobs.com

Example#1: Pagination on a B2C digital product (www.totaljobs.com)

Unique ID: EXUS-1

Title: Pagination on a search results page


As a jobseeker

I want to see page#1 results first and use pagination to navigate to other result pages of the search

So that I am easily able to browse through the list of results

Acceptance Criteria list:

/* Mandatory rule for 20 per page */

/* On click of pagination – Next */

/* On click of pagination – Previous */

/* On click of pagination – Number */

/* No pagination for result less than 20 */

Acceptance Criteria detail:

/* Mandatory rule for 20 per page */

Given I am on the search results page

When the number of results is greater than 20

Then I am given the option of pagination

And I can view the first 20 results on the first page

And next set of 20 results on every consecutive page thereafter

/* On click of pagination – Next */

Given I am on the search results page

And I have more than 20 results

When I click on the next icon

Then I am taken to the next consecutive search results page

/* On click of pagination – Previous */

Given I am on the second page of search results pagination

When I click on the previous icon

Then I am taken to the previous consecutive search results page

/* On click of pagination – Number */

Given I am on the search results page

And I have more than 100 results

And I see Numbers 1,2,3,4,5 on the pagination area

When I click on any of these listed numbers (e.g. 3)

Then I am taken to that specific page on the search results page (e.g. 3rd page)

/* No pagination for result less than 20 */

Given I am on the search results page

When the number of results is less than 20

Then there is no pagination displayed

And I can view the results on 1 single page

Strategic tip on user stories: Sometimes, when you already have this feature built-in some other area of your product or website; or you are using a pre-built plugin or a code from a library, then you needn’t define these acceptance criteria in full detail.

This is because your developers aren’t building it from scratch, so they don’t need full details. Instead, you can list the functionalities you expect from this ‘pagination’ feature which your development and testing team will ensure is available when they adopt this code.

Let us take a look at the second example.

5. Example#2: Sign Up on a website (www.trello.com)

Scenario: On a website, a user wants to Sign Up for free to utilise the services offered by that website. It could be content or features or something related to social. This project management tool website has an option to Sign Up for free and allows the user to use the basic features of the project management tool.

Question: How do you write a user story for Sign up feature?

User story and acceptance criteria for Sign-Up feature: Example of trello.com

Example#2: Sign-Up example on a B2C digital product (www.trello.com) – Happy path

Unique ID: EXUS-2

Title: Free Sign up for a non-subscriber on website


As a project manager

I want to sign up for free on trello.com

So that I can utilise the basic features for my project

Acceptance Criteria list:

/* Sign Up for free */

/* Sign-Up page */

/* Error checks during Sign Up by email address*/

/* Sign Up successful*/

Acceptance Criteria detail:

/* Sign Up for free */

Given I am on the home page of trello.com

When I select the option to Sign Up

Then I am taken to the Sign-Up page

/* Sign-Up page */

Given I selected the option to Sign Up

When I am on the Sign-Up page

Then I have the option to Sign Up by entering my Email address, Name, and Password

And I have the option to do Sign Up using social signing with Google, Microsoft or Apple

Sign-Up example on a B2C digital product (www.trello.com) – Alternate & Unhappy path

/* Error checks during Sign Up by email address*/

Given I am on the Sign-Up page

When I enter my email id, name, and password

Then system checks for correct & mandatory information being entered

And shows error messages as follows:

For Email address – “Please enter an email address”

For Name – “Please enter a name”

For Password – “Please enter a password”

/* Sign Up successful*/

Given I entered all details correctly on the Sign-Up page

When my Sign Up was successful

Then I am taken to the Welcome page to enter some more information

Strategic tip on user stories: This is a good point to break the user story and create a new user story such as the following:

User story for “Validating email address”

User story for “Social sign up using Google, Microsoft, Apple”

Onkar Singh Lohtham

Onkar is one of the most innovative and experienced agile practitioners and trainers in the world. He has helped organisations build £multi-million products/services & win awards. His passion lies in training on ‘how to’ implement unique road map & commercial strategies, manage complex backlogs and lead multi-product agile teams from inception to launch.

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Onkar Singh Lohtham

Founder & CPO | Lead Trainer | Digital Skills Mastery

Onkar is one of the most innovative and experienced agile practitioners and trainers in the world. He has helped organisations build £multi-million products/services & win awards. His passion lies in training on ‘how to’ implement unique road map & commercial strategies, manage complex backlogs and lead multi-product agile teams from inception to launch.

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